NutriScan Quantum Health Analyzer
Serving as a personalized health guide, it offers non-invasive, practical, and holistic insights, with potential for significant contributions to human well-being
A non-linear magnetic resonance analyser.
The body’s organs work together in systems. The NutriScan analyzes these systems to test if they are functioning normally. It is generally accepted that the body has eleven main systems. The NutriScan however tests 20 more subsystems that also include nutrient needs such as vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function on a normal level.
It is an excellent tool to identify any nutrient deficiencies in the body and to detect lurking health problems of the main body organs. A scan takes about 1 minute with this device.
The NutriScan is a cutting-edge project at the intersection of medicine, bioinformatics, electrical engineering, and other scientific disciplines. Built on the principles of quantum medicine, this innovation employs sophisticated electronic devices to gather delicate magnetic field signals emitted by human cells. By subjecting these signals to scientific analysis, the system assesses and identifies the individual’s health status and primary concerns, subsequently offering standard recommendations for prevention.
The QRMA serves as a personalized health consultation guide, encompassing comprehensive body care and advancing the field of health science. It is valued for its holistic approach, non-invasive nature, practicality, simplicity, speed, affordability, and ease of dissemination. As scientific research progresses, this technology is poised to play a substantial role in enhancing human health, boasting promising possibilities for wide-ranging development and application.
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