The WavePlus with Healthpad
The WavePlus with Healthpad combination offers the WavePlus resonator resonator that is connected to a Beamer Healthpad for especially those people that can not hold the hand electrodes (such as small children) or need constant treatment while sitting or laying on the Healthpad. Ideally suited to treat animals as well.
Please note that the WavePlus resonator can NOT be used with the hand electrodes (such as in the case with the Wave 4, 5, and Wave 6) but only with one of the Beamer devices (Healthpad or Waistpad).
A Beamer device such as the Healthpad is basically an antenna consisting of embedded coils on electronic circuit boards covered with strong fabric to treat humans and animals in a radius of about 30 cm.
The WavePlus with Healthpad combo has all the effective Rife treatments already loaded on the device to address the most common ailments and health problems. There is no need to add anything as it is already there, but if, however, the need arises to add your own range of frequencies, you can do that by just connecting it with the supplied connecting cord to a computer and using the easy software to edit treatments.
One gets the full kit to use the WavePlus immediately: Instruction sheet, manual on resonance therapy, charging cable, 5-volt charger (That can be replaced internationally with a local 5-volt charger), cables to connect hand electrodes, and the Beamer Healthpad).
More information can also be downloaded here.
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