Wave Rife Resonators
The Wave Riffe Resonators generate low-energy waves, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, that ‘resonate’ at specific frequencies to eliminate germs, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi by delivering safe, tested resonance therapy.
Manufactured to the highest standards, applying the latest hi-tech electronic technology and easy-to-operate touch screens, these portable devices (operating on both mains and batteries) are backed by international certification for effectiveness and safety. Each device has over 780 pre-installed TESTED and proven treatments that address most health problems that resonance therapy can address. The Practitioner model has the complete spectrum of resonance therapy treatments for the more knowledgeable user. However, more treatments can easily be added to any of the models via the free software or, in the case of Wave Pro and Wave Practitioner, also directly on the device itself. If you can operate a cell phone, you can operate the intuitive Wave Rife Resonators.
Watch this 4-minute video on the range of Wave Resonators available:
The range of “Wave resonators”:
The Wave Rife Resonators’ design and development are based on accumulated years of research data. Not only did the designers and developers concentrate on the bio-resonance generation but also on the technological materials used in the generator. This broad front design approach forced them to pay close attention to the instrument’s user interface. Making ease of use a top priority.
It each runs on a rechargeable battery to make it safe and mobile (no fear of receiving electrical shocks as with other electrotherapy devices that just run on mains)
The intuitive interface is easy to understand, even without instructions. The Wave resonators’ interface allows user-friendly, intuitive operating steps comparable to cell phone interfaces. If you can operate a cell phone, you can operate a Rife Wave resonator. You will get a manual and instructions with your purchase. We also have a vast collection of “How-to” videos on YouTube that you can consult.
Feel free to contact us on the CONTACT PAGE if you need anything else explained.
All the Rife Wave resonators come with a complete set of necessary accessories and instructions, as well as easy-to-understand instructions, so the user can start operating their resonator immediately.
The differences between the models
There are four Wave resonators to select from: the Wave Kompak, the WavePlus, the Wave Professional (WavePro) and the Wave Practitioner.
All the Wave Rife Resonators in this range have the same powerful frequency generator to ensure that all the models’ treatments are equally effective. On the Wave Pro and Practitioner, one pays more for more features, not for more effectiveness.
The Wave Kompak and WavePlus connect with an RCA plug to the electrodes. The Wave Professional and Practitioner models use 4 mm banana plug test cables to do the same.
Due to their compactness, the two RCA models do not have the facility to add treatments directly to the unit as with the larger Wave Professional and Wave Practitioner. One can, however, use the free Wave app on a Windows PC to add or edit treatments. The Wave Kompak only gives treatments with the hand electrodes, while the WavePlus uses a Beamer device (Healthpad or Waistpad).
One can also add treatments to Wave Professional and Practitioner models by connecting the units to a Windows computer with Wave software. Still, these advanced models also offer the option to add treatments directly to the unit.
You do not need a computer to run any Wave Rife resonator; only connect your Wave unit to a computer when you need to add or change a treatment on your resonator’s default treatment list.
The WavePlus, WavePro and Practitioner each have a built-in booster to run a Beamer device.
The Wave Pro and Practitioner can treat two people simultaneously. With the Wave Practitioner offering, you also get the Healthpad (the PEMF mat) included in the bundle.
Wave Kompak
With the Wave Kompak, you get a set of hand electrodes to perform treatments.
With the Wave Kompak, you get a Beamer device to perform treatments.
The advantage of both the Kompak and WavePlus is their compactness and simplicity.
Wave Professional
The Wave Pro is the next step from the Wave Kompak and WavePlus. Thanks to a much bigger touch screen and a feature to add treatments directly to the unit, one does not need to rely only on a computer to add treatments when travelling. However, one can still connect it to a computer with the free Wave software to edit treatments. The Wave Pro offers two separate inlet socket sets for the hand electrodes and Healthpad. One can treat two people simultaneously with the WavePro. Just purchase an extra set of hand electrodes and an extra set of electrode cables.
Wave Practitioner
The Wave Practitioner is the ultimate healing machine designed with the therapist in mind. It combines the features of the WavePro but with a more comprehensive treatment list for the knowledgeable user, a quicker scrolling (interface) function, and more control over saving treatment lists, and one can add more treatments directly on the Wave Practitioner or upload treatments to the unit with the free software. With the Wave Practioner bundle, one gets all the accessories included in the price: Two sets of hand electrodes and one Healthpad.
Functions on the Wave range:
All the Wave Resonators have the following functions:
- Dwelling (just like the original resonators of Dr Rife)
- Option to repeat treatment
- Bi-polarity (AC/DC) to treat parasites as well.
- Rechargeable battery support means it is safe and mobile.
- Create your own sets of treatments or custom treatments with the free software
What do you get:
- One gets the complete kit with accessories to be able to use your Wave Resonator from the start:
- An easy-to-understand instruction sheet
- A comprehensive manual on resonance therapy
- A charging cable
- A 5-volt charger (That can be replaced internationally with a local 5-volt charger)
- Cables to connect to hand electrodes or to a Healthpad
- A set of hand electrodes made of surgical stainless steel.
- The free Wave software for editing or adding treatments is easy to operate and can be downloaded from the links on the INFORMATION page.
User friendly
The operation of any of the Wave range of resonators is relatively easy. Its operating sequences are very much the same as the interface of a cell phone. The operating steps are also intuitive, as each successive step is set to be the logical consequence of the previous step. The Wave resonators’ interface uses internationally recognisable icons/avatars to depict a specific required action.
Peace of mind. This is the real deal.
Please be aware of fly-by-night charlatans who try to bamboozle naive customers to buy their “Rife” knock-off gadgets that claim to adhere to specifications of archaic specifications. Some can offer you nothing but the claim that they manufacture their uncertified machines to some specification of the 1930s or that they are the “best” on the market while they have no proof of their claims. They usually have no decent after-sales service, business history, network support, or substance. Do not waste time and money on an unproven contraption or a business with no history.
Wave Resonators are Legal and Safe to use
People with health issues do not have time to experiment with unproven gadgets. Wave Technologies, however, has been 1999 in the business of manufacturing and supplying resonators since. We have spent the first seven years on clinical trials to identify the most effective frequencies. Our resonance generators are the best available for proper and effective resonance therapy, and all our devices adhere to strict international certification specifications. No other manufacturer can match our instrument in terms of conforming to regulated certifications.
All Wave Rife Resonators carry the necessary internationally certified quality and specification marks. They have passed all relevant tests and comply with international type BF safety requirements.
The Wave Rife Resonators do not interfere with other electronic equipment.
THEY ARE SAFE AND LEGAL TO USE! Most importantly they are effective, thanks to rears in the industry WaveTech has narrowed down the list of treatments to those treatments that really works. There is no need to experiment with a deluge of untested treatments found in most other “Rife” devices.
2-year Guarantee
The Wave Rife Resonators have a 2-year technical guarantee on the instrument.
Wave Technologies/Rife Health has a history of more than 25 years of supplying effective healing technology backed by customer service and an electronic repair workshop to repair and even fix faulty resonators of 25 years ago. This is peace of mind. This is the real deal.
The effective treatment list
Add treatments directly to the instrument or with the free software.
Tested treatments that have proven to be effective.
Our Wave Rife Resonator are not just so-called “Rife machines” but are complete electrotherapy devices. Not only can it destroy pathogens, but it can also generate the healing frequencies that are used for the treatment of strokes, depression, muscle spasms, insomnia, diabetes, and wound healing.
The Wave RifeResonator range has treatments for all ailments that can be treated with resonance therapy. Please note that the Wave Resonators’ list of stored treatments is a compilation of treatments that have been included because of their effectiveness. The Wave Resonator range of resonators can store many more treatments (presets), but we have only selected those that will really be effective. Many resonators on the market may have many more treatments stored on them, but are usually untested. The user is then confronted with literally hundreds of treatments, for example, for cancer, which those manufacturers just downloaded from the Internet from dubious sources.
With a Wave Resonator, you have a broad-spectrum healing machine at your fingertips. It has all the treatments installed to address the range of ailments and health problems that can be addressed with resonance therapy.
The treatment list includes broad-spectrum treatments that can treat a wider range of ailments.
The “Infections” treatment, for instance, on its own can treat more than 814 ailments. No guessing or experimenting. The Wave range of Rife resonators has the correct settings and most effective treatments tested over 7 years before they were released on the market.
The beauty of the Wave Resonators is that they are effective, not only because they comply with the specifications of genuine Rife resonators but also because of the tested list of treatments.
Because of the emphasis on frequencies that combat infections in resonance therapy, the Rife Health resonators can be used to treat in a complementary manner a wide variety of illnesses caused by infections, especially by Streptococci and Staphylococci.
The Wave Rife resonators’ design and development are based on accumulated years of research data. Not only did the designers and developers concentrate on the bio-resonance generation but also on the technological materials used in the generator. This broad front design approach forced them to pay close attention to the user interface of the instrument as well. Making ease of use a top priority. Even without instructions, you will be able to understand the intuitive interface. The interface of all the resonators is like that of a cell phone. If you can operate a cell phone, you can operate a Wave Rife resonator.
You will get a manual and instructions to get you going within minutes.
Owners of our devices are welcome to email to “Info@wave.co.za” if they need anything explained.
All the Rife Health Wave resonators come with a complete set of necessary accessories and easy-to-understand instructions to enable the user to start operating them immediately.
All the Wave Resonators carry the necessary internationally certified quality and specification marks. They have passed all its relevant tests and therefore comply with type BF safety requirements. They do not interfere with other electronic equipment and are safe to use. Even for babies. No dangerous side-effects. By law, manufacturers are not allowed to claim that resonators have any healing properties, but we, however, do claim that our frequency generators (Resonators) comply with the requirements set by resonance therapists for use in resonance therapy. We have sold more than 8000 instruments to satisfied customers worldwide. We are so sure that your health will indeed benefit by using the resonators regularly that we offer a 3-month buy-back guarantee if your health does not improve by regularly using your Wave Resonator!
For home use and for traveling. Mobility, Compact, Intuitive, Affordable, and Effective. Just what one needs for affordable and effective resonance therapy. The Wave4 Pulse is compact, powerful, effective, and with its touch screen very easy to operate.
With this instrument, you have a broad-spectrum healing machine at your fingertips. <br></br>
It has all the treatments to address the most common ailments and health problems already loaded on the device: No need to add anything as it is already there but if however, the need arises to add your own range of frequencies you can do that by just connecting it with the supplied connection cord to a computer and use the easy software to edit treatments.
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The WavePlus with Healthpad combo
The WavePlus Healthpad is a resonator that is connected to either the Beamer Healthpad or the Beamer Waistpad. Please note that the WavePlus resonator can NOT be used with electrodes (such as in the case with the Wave 4, 5, and Wave 6) but only with one of the Beamer devices (Healthpad or Waistpad). A beamer device is nothing else but an antenna consisting of embedded coils on electronic circuit boards covered with strong fabric to treat humans and animals in a radius of about 30 cm.
The WavePlus with Healthpad is the ideal way to treat small children, pets, and grown-ups who do not have time to sit while holding hand electrodes.
On the other hand, the WavePlus with the Waistpad is for the fast-moving individual who wants treatments while on the go.
The WavePlus with Healthpad has all the effective Rife treatments (800+) already loaded to address the most common ailments and health problems. There is no need to add anything as it is already there. Still, if, however, the need arises to add your own range of frequencies, you can do that by just connecting it with the supplied connecting cord to a computer and using the easy software to edit treatments.
One gets the full kit to use the WavePlus immediately: Instruction sheet, manual on resonance therapy, charging cable, 5-volt charger (That can be replaced internationally with a local 5-volt charger), cables to connect hand electrodes, and the Beamer device of your choice).
One gets a printed manual and instructions with the instrument ordered. More information can also be downloaded here.
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The Wave6 Practitioner combo
The ideal Rife device for the seasoned resonance therapist with the complete list of all possible resonance therapy treatments. The ultimate electrotherapy instrument: versatile, mobile, and effective. Two people can be treated simultaneously on the same treatment with the Practitioner model.
Powerful output. Function to run the Wave Beamer Healthpad (Included in the kit).
It features functions such as:
- two sets of inlets on the instrument so that more than one person can be treated.
- Dwelling (just like the original resonators of Dr. Rife)
- Option to repeat treatments
– Healthpad booster to run the Healthpad (The Healthpad is included in this combo) - AC/DC option so that either parasites or micro-organisms could also be addressed
- Battery support makes it mobile.
New treatments if ever necessary can be added directly on the instrument or via a Windows PC with the free software. - You get:
- The Wave6 instrument
- 5-volt charger to use globally
- 1 x charging cable
- 2 x Electrode cable sets
- 2 x sets of surgical stainless steel hand electrodes.
∙ - 1 x Beamer Healthpad
∙ Watertight case
∙ Model 18650 rechargeable battery Manual and instructions
The Wave “Beamer” PEMF HealthPad.
An accessory device that connects to a Wave resonator for Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). Sleep on it to get a few extra treatments. Ideally suited to treat small children and pets (Even horses).
Connected to the WavePlus, Wave5 or Wave6 Practitioner, it generates a healing electromagnetic field to treat the following:
- Pain and inflammation
Improve energy/circulation, blood/tissue oxygenation. - Regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as the uptake of nutrients.
- Increase cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells.
- Accelerates repair of bone and soft tissue / relaxes muscles.
The ideal device to treat your pet – and also horses – as it is an effective device due to its size and portability.
The PetWave is specially designed for our beloved furry children. The PetWave is a proper Wave Rife Resonator with a built-in booster to run the attached Healthpad.
The Healthpad is an electromagnetic mat to create radiant energy. It radiates a healthy energy field in a vortex of about 30 cm around the mat. Ideally suited for animals to lay on or just too close to. It is covered with waterproof vinyl on one side and durable fabric on the other side.
Pets love the Healthpad, and one can put in the case of horses the Healthpad between the saddle and the saddle cloth (numnah) with the PetWave resonator hanging in a saddlebag attached to the saddle.
The PetWave has a wide variety of treatments for the canine, feline, and equine species, as well as for the feathered kind like budgies, parrots, and even ostriches!
Disclaimer: By law Rife Health may not claim that resonators have any healing properties, but what we do claim is that our frequency generators (Resonators) comply with the requirements set by resonance therapists for using in resonance therapy. We have sold over 6 000 instruments to satisfied customers and we are so sure that your health will indeed benefit by using the resonators regularly that we offer a 3 month buy back guarantee!
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The WavePlus with Waistpad combo
The WavePlus with Waistpad system is ideally suited for fast-moving individuals who need treatments while on the go.
The WavePlus with Waistpad package consists of the WavePlus Resonator that can be connected to the Beamer Waistpad (included). Please note that the WavePlus resonator can NOT be used with electrodes (such as in the case of Wave 4, Kompak, Wave 5, and Wave 6) but only with either the Beamer Healthpad or the Beamer Waistpad. The Waistpad has embedded coils on electronic circuit boards covered with a strong fabric to generate a healthy, radiant energy field (PEMF) in a radius of about 30 cm from the Waistpad.
PEMF therapy is especially beneficial for:
- Pain and inflammation
- Improve energy/circulation, blood/tissue oxygenation
- Regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as the uptake of nutrients
- Increase cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells
- Accelerates repair of bone and soft tissue / relaxes muscles
Related products
The ideal Rife device for the seasoned resonance therapist with the complete list of all possible resonance therapy treatments. The ultimate electrotherapy instrument: versatile, mobile, and effective.
Powerful output. Function to run the Wave Beamer Healthpad (Not Included in the kit).
It features functions such as:
– two sets of inlet sockets on the instrument: one for the hand electrode set and the other for the Healthpad accessory.
– Dwelling (just like the original resonators of Dr. Rife)
– Option to repeat treatments
– Healthpad booster to run the Healthpad (The Healthpad is not included)
– AC/DC option so that either parasites or micro-organisms could also be addressed
– Battery support makes it mobile.
If necessary, new treatments can be added directly on the instrument or via free Wave software on a Windows PC.
You get:
∙ The Wave Pro instrument
∙ 5-volt charger to use internationally.
∙ 1 x charging cable
∙ 1 x Electrode cable set
∙ 1 x set of surgical stainless steel hand electrodes.
∙ Model 18650 rechargeable battery
∙ Manual and instructions
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Wave5 Pro
With this instrument, you have a broad-spectrum healing machine at your fingertips. It has all the treatments to address the most common ailments and health problems already loaded on the device. Pre-programmed with the most common conditions that can be treated with Rife Therapy. 700+ treatments. It features functions such as:
- dwelling (just like the original resonators of Dr.Rife)
- repeating treatment
- antenna booster (to run the optional Healthpad)
- bi-polarity (AC/DC)
- battery supported means it is mobile.
If necessary, new treatments can be added directly on the instrument or via a Windows PC with the free software. No need to add anything as it is already there, but if, however, the need arises to add your own range of frequencies, you can do that by just connecting it with the supplied connection cord to a computer and using the easy-to-use software to edit treatments.
You get:
The Wave5 Pro instrument
∙ 5-volt charger to use globally.
- 1 x charging cable.
∙ - 1 x Electrode cable sets
∙ - 1 x set of surgical stainless steel hand electrodes.
- ∙ Watertight case
∙ Model 18650 rechargeable battery - ∙ Built-in booster to run a Healthpad (Optional) Manual and instructions Ideally suited for home use.
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